
The gift of time

Can someone tell me where this year has gone? If you find it let me know!

Here we are in July and in the middle of a pandemic and quite frankly, it’s all been a bit crazy. One constant in the last few months is rapid change! We have certainly had to change as a business and I don’t just mean by popping 2 metre markers on the floor and hand sanitiser in every room but fundamentally look at how we support our clients. I wanted to mention a few of these changes with specific reference to Redmill Advance, our learning and development proposition.

We completed the acquisition of Exam Angel this month and launched a new proposition and website www.examangel.com Exam Angel has been servicing the regulated exam markets since 2006. We are delighted to have made the acquisition and thank Jon for his hard work and contribution to Redmill Advance over the years. The acquisition of Exam Angel brings a new dimension to our business as we now offer exam questions / mock testing through this brand, whereas RM Advance continues to offer a fully structured approach to learning.

So what else is new?

We have broadened our corporate client offering with the addition of a number of new catalogues and products. We now have over 200 learning programmes across 7 key areas covering the following areas:

  • Exam Support Across the Cii and CISI with 28 structured learning programmes
  • Business Essentials e-learning with 22 CPD modules
  • Foundation skills e-learning with 67 CPD modules
  • HR & People Management e-learning with 15 CPD modules
  • Regulatory Essentials e-learning with 35 CPD modules
  • Leadership Skills e-learning with 25 CPD modules
  • Soft Skills e-learning with 10 CPD modules

Our corporate clients also benefit from a full white label package, including their own Learning Management System (LMS), ability to author their own content directly, as well as a large reporting suite sitting behind the proposition. You can find out more here https://redmilladvance.com/corporate/  Thanks this time goes to Hayley Steel and Gregor Ormond for their hard work and contributions alongside the technical team for pulling all this additional content and supporting literature together in such a short period of time – kudos!

If you want to have a look at the full list of all programmes we now offer you can find it by clicking HERE

Roadmap through 2020 and 2021

We have spent time looking at our roadmap, and what that looks like for the rest of 2020 and into 2021. We have benefited from some fantastic insight and influence from Chris Newlands on this. If you don’t know, Chris has created the incredible concept of the ‘Spelfie’ which is quite literally a selfie from space… check out his profile on Linkedin if you want to learn more. Chris is a good friend, Chartered Financial Planner, Entrepreneur, business owner, tech genius, and generally a good egg. He has freely given his input, opinion and influence and helped us align our thought processes and for that I am very grateful.

We brought a new regulatory technical pair of hands into the business this year. Angelo has written over 50,000 words of content for us in a short period of time. He also ran our R06 webinar last week and the feedback has been phenomenal, thanks to Angelo for his continued help and support. We will be adding more webinar support sessions as part of our ongoing commitment to support our students and will be releasing more on this in due course.

As part of the September syllabus changeover, we are releasing a new look and feel to our structured learning products to include lots more colour, more interactive content and media-rich modules. This is all part of our commitment to enhance our existing products.

LMS Upgrades

Our LMS has also seen some new upgrades. We have been working on our forum functionality and this is now ready to launch. We have improved cataloguing functionality (to support our increased product range) with 100 additional editable categories. In addition to the existing webinar integration tools already available, Zoom integration is now live for webinar functionality. I am also delighted to report Microsoft Teams integration will be live in September this year. Zendesk and Intercom functionality is now also live within the LMS allowing live chat functionality.

And some thanks…

I also wanted to take the time to thank some of our clients for supporting us over the years and continuing to do so. Tim Grey, Tim Sargisson, Louise Dunstan and Mark Saward of Sandringham Financial Partners have been advocates of our proposition utilising our services across the business to upskill their 200+ workforce for many years now. Stuart Walker of Johnston Carmichael Wealth who benefit from a fully integrated LMS and Learning solution across all 13 UK offices has been a pleasure to work with over the years. Chris Kelly of Hanson and Quilter group who was an early adopter of a fully integrated white labelled version of our proposition and continues to support us and we enjoy supporting the wider business. Chris has always been a source of great advice to the business. FB Wealth Management who have been with us for a few years now and have been a pleasure to continue to support. Caroline Shakerley and Julia Le Tissier of Utmost Worldwide who we have worked closely with for nearly 2 years now have always made themselves available to discuss updates, new products and services and have utilised their learning platform to the fullest over the term of our relationship. Canada Life, Just, Prudential, SJP, the list goes on… to all who have worked with us over the years, thank you for being a part of our journey.

We have taken the gift of time presented to us in recent months and used that time wisely to enhance our proposition. We have worked hard to ensure our proposition delivers maximum value to you and your business. We are committed to improving our product range, services, I.T. and your overall experience of working with us and are excited to bring these new products and services to market.

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