
R06 Exam and Study Techniques

Preparing for the CII R06 Exam

With the next CII R06 Financial Planning Practice exam approaching closer, and with it being the final unit needed to complete the CII Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning, we’ve gathered some useful exam techniques to give you the best possible chance of exam success.

Question Techniques

1. Read the questions carefully before you start, and read them twice – this gives you the framework of the assessment and allows you to plan accordingly.

2. Find the question that gets you into the exam – you can answer questions out of order and you need to find the one that settles you down as the adrenalin will be pumping.

3. Leave questions you’re not immediately sure about as time is tight – this keeps you efficient.

4. How much time is a question worth? – it’s usually about a mark a minute so if a question is worth 10 marks and you’ve spent significantly more than 10 minutes on it, it’s time to move on.

Answer Techniques

1. Write in bullets – it keeps you concise and measured… it’s also what the markers template will look like

2. When should I write a little more/add? – you’re done and you find you have 20 minutes left. Questions like ‘factors to take into account…’ or ‘what additional information….?’ lend themselves nicely to mopping up extra marks if you have time at the end of the examination.

3. The exam is not negatively marked but don’t contradict yourself or hedge your bets – for example, stating a product pays returns tax fee, paid gross but taxable and net of tax gets you no marks.

4. Calculations. – always ‘show all your workings’ and break it down into steps to maximise the marks available

5. Abbreviations… avoid them unless they are well established (IHT or LTA for example are fine)… if in doubt, write it out – ‘This will be chargeable to tax’….. Which tax? Income tax? CGT? IHT? Make sure you are specific!

Needing extra support?

We take a deep dive into the CII case studies and prepare a detailed analysis to support your learning. Included in each analysis are exam hints, exam preparation tips, a full and detailed analysis of the CII case studies and potential questions and areas of focus to maximise your chances of exam success. To complement our analysis we also run an exam preparation webinar to discuss our key findings on the CII Case Studies.

Access our R06 Study Support here: https://redmilladvance.com/course/r06-course/

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